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June 20, 2012 Public Hearing
Public Hearing
June 20, 2012
The meeting opened at 7:30 PM.  Present were: Chairman Jerry Gannelli, Jon Fudeman, John Mirick, Ann Neuburg and Rick McCowan. Tom Daly was absent.

Public Hearing Continued – Accessory Apartment – Karl Koch
Jerry reconvened the public hearing at 7:35 pm and designated Associate Member Rick McCowan as a member of the board for purposes of the hearing in the absence of Tom Daly. The hearing originally scheduled on May 16, 2012 was continued after the applicant agreed to revise the plans to achieve the look of a single family home.

Karl Koch presented redesigned plans for an accessory apartment. His proposal is to convert the existing garage into an apartment with a kitchen, dining room and bedroom and build a living room addition.  The second story will remain unfinished. The plan is to add a detached garage in the future.  The apartment will be 850 square feet with a vestibule in the kitchen area. The existing house is 1376 square feet.
Jerry asked about parking. Karl said he has two spots in front of the garage and an area on the side of the driveway as well.
John Mirick commented that the plan looks very good and the vestibule gives the appearance that the same door will be used to go into the apartment and the home. Rick liked the design and commended Karl for making the change. The board agreed. Karl said the apartment will tie into the existing septic which is Title V approved for a three bedroom; currently there are two bedrooms.

There were no comments from the public.

Jon moved to approve the Decision. Ann seconded. All in favor (5-0).

At 7:47 pm Jon made a motion to close the public hearing. John Mirick seconded. All in favor (5-0).

Brenda will send a draft of the Special Permit Decision to John Mirick to finalize. Due to a reduced summer meeting schedule, the board agreed to review and sign the final Decision at the Town Hall.

Respectfully Submitted

Brenda Savoie
Administrative Assistant